Nature (大地) - 王力宏
Written by:王力宏
Nature is forever
The home for all mankind
And nature is emotion
That makes you fell alive
And time will pass
And you at last will live life all too fast
So slow the pace
And lift you face
And heaven will remind you
That nature is reason
That everything is fine
But nature needs attention
We're running out of time
And soon you'll learn that's your turn
To take her back to you
The change must come
One by one
It has to start with you
And time will pass
And you at last
Will life all too fast
So slow the pace
And lift your face
And heaven will remind you
Nature is forever
The home for all mankind
Nature is believing
Our dreams will never die
We laugh and cry
We live our lives
And never realize
We think we know
But even so
Life around us dies
Don't let it die
You can't let it die
And I say pleas don't let it die
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