New Low (新的低点) - Smile Empty Soul
Is it normal to feel like I'm nothing
In a nothing world
Much harder to heal when there's something
But I can't be sure
I feel like dying tonight
Stay away from me
I've never done nothing right
Keep your sympathies
I know I've lost it again
I'm finding it hard to explain
This new low
Is it something I said
That brings nothing to your empty head
The whole world in red
Is it better to be powerless
I feel like dying tonight
Stay away from me
I've never done nothing right
Keep your sympathies
I know I've lost it again
I'm finding it hard to explain
This new low
I feel like dying tonight
Stay away from me
I've never done nothing right
Keep your sympathies
I know I've lost it again
I'm finding it hard to explain
This new low
中文:一天的低点英文翻译:【经】day's low...
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本站新加坡2月2日电---亚洲石脑油价格周二自14周低位回升,但裂解价仍停留在两个月低点,因交易商预期需求下滑之际,供给将因炼厂3月复工而跑在需求前头. 但这并未阻止科威特石油公司(Kuwait Petroleum Corp)以每吨较中东离岸价格(FOB)报价溢价约26.00美元价格提出要约,先前最佳报价为FOB溢价18美元. "原先的最佳报价已经高于市场...