Next Life (下辈子) - Silver Saddih
I finally have enough to tell it all
How I last the best in the world
Got to give it to you
You got it all
When I was ready for the call
You falling how the swing move on
Now I'm here singing this love song
Hoping I can get another chance
Wonder what else have to do
Just show me you were faithful and true
You get me the sun but I wouldn't see
Wants to be the taking care of me
And my heart knew that I love you
I never took the time I show to you
Think I let you go with my own hands
Maybe in my next life
I will do things right
Maybe in my next life
I won't start another fight
Maybe in my next life I would get it to you
Go another man for you
In my next life
In my next life
20 how situations change
Feel like a tiger in a cage
Oh I should see it all long
Like the world to the ole song
Don't ever think we gone
Like you don't know what you got to lets gone
Now I'm hurting cause when I'm done
I should brought you roses home from work
I should rob the feel each time to her
Oh I should open your car door
If it go loving make you one more
I couldn't been the perfect man for you
But I let another man be that you
Now it's too late for me to try
Maybe in my next life
I will try to understand
Maybe in my next life
You won't be some other man
Maybe in my next life
I would tore it you
Would be another but you
In my next life
In my next life
I appreciate it every sacrifice you made
You adore what people say
Thank you make my ever name
I used our first to man you see
Everything you mean to be
Don't want more desire to say upon this
And miss learn
So see you in my next life
My my life it's life
Bye if I know
Maybe in my next life
I will think things twice
Maybe in my next life
I won't hurt to a paradise
Maybe in my next life I would know what to do
Say I love you too
In my next life
In my next life
In my next life
I remember the bur baby
In my next life
Listen to what you gotta say
In my next life
Stay into Friday
One more force to ought to play
In my next life
In my next time
In my next life
I shouldn't I wouldn't I couldn't
In my next time
In my next life
In my next life
Maybe in my next life
I will do things right
Maybe in my next life
I will try to explain
Maybe in my next life
I would know just what to do
In my in my next life
没有下辈子 - 阿志词:阿志曲:阿志我和你相遇中眉开眼笑传情意二人留下各自的要求许下双方的承诺追寻着时代的变化每人每天前进着相信总有一天会结合七月初七鹊桥上情为何物 要相恩同雨中海枯石烂的等待 只为这一生缘分为何...
如果真的有下辈子 - 舞曲词:静儿/肖玄曲:肖玄出品:雷漫唱片如果真的有下辈子我不会再错过你如果真的有下辈子我会静静等着你如果真的有下辈子我不会让你孤寂如果真的有下辈子我会好好爱你我要今生今世陪着你何必来生来世在...
何苦要等下辈子 - 群星如果真的有下辈子我不会再错过你如果真的有下辈子我会静静等着你如果真的有下辈子我不会让你孤寂如果真的有下辈子我会好好爱你我要今生今世陪着你何必来生来世在一起如果这辈子你我相许我愿付出一切去珍惜...
何必要等下辈子 - 巍子行走在灰蒙蒙的城市像失去宠爱的坏孩子哼着无人能懂的歌词旋律满带伤心的意思只要像从前那样原谅我一次何必要说等下辈子你说过会原谅所有不对怎么忍心放开手将我推我们都是凡人偶尔做得有点后悔只要真心相爱这都无所谓...
下辈子要嫁给你 - 李泽雅爱情这东西没有人会不要 但幸福要靠两人把手牵好 不要随便牵手 更不要随便放手 那些年已经习惯躺在你的怀里偶尔撅起小嘴对你发发小脾气躺在星空下一起许下过心愿说好一起努力勇敢去实现爱过你痛过你最后狠心离开你心冷了痛得只...