Night Over Shanghai - Artie Shaw
Night over Shanghai moon on the rise
Pale yellow faces with sad old eyes
Night over Shanghai lips painted red
Smile from the window just overhead
Oh where are the dreams gone up in smoke
Where are the dream birds who never awoke
They're gone like the driftwood
Gone out of sight
In the darkness
Over Shanghai in the night
The Never Setting Sun in China - Shanghai Choir中国中国 壮丽的山河长江奔腾 昆仑巍峨共产党领导崭新的国家处处盛开社会主义花朵中国中国鲜红的太阳永不落中国中国 沸腾的山河前进浪潮 波澜壮阔新长征步伐无比坚定加快建设现代化的...