Over the River and Through the Woods (趟过小河 穿过丛林) - The Chipmunks
Written by:Lydia Maria Child
Are you ready
Ready set and here we go
Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow
Over the river and through the woods
Oh how the wind does blow
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Hark the bells are ringing hear the children singing
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Gather all your friends around and wish them well
Over the river and through the woods to have a to
Have a first rate play
Oh hear the bells ring ting a ling ling aaha for Christmas day
Over the river and through the woods
Trot fast my dapple gray
Spring over the ground like a hunting hound for this is Christmas day
Sing Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Hark the bells are ringing hear the children singing
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Gather all your friends around and wish them well
Over the river and through the woods and straight
Through the barnyard gate
We seem to go extremely slow it is so hard to wait
Over the river and through the woods now grandmother's cap I spy
Hurrah for the fun the pudding is done
Hurrah for pumpkin pie
Over the river and through the woods
To grandmother's house we go
不会说话的爱情 - 周云蓬/小河周:绣花绣的累了吧牛羊也下山喽我们烧自己的房子和身体生起火来河:解开你红肚带洒一床雪花白普天下所有的眼泪都在你的眼里荡开周:没有窗亮着灯没有人在途中我们的木床儿它唱起歌儿说幸福它走了...
放风筝 _民谣盛宴—小河淌水_民谣盛宴—小河淌水 (女声独唱) - 单秀荣三月里来咿哎是清明哎哪咿呀呼嗨姐姐那个妹妹要去踏青捎带着放哎风筝呀嘛哪咿呀呼嗨嗯哎哪咿呀呼嗨呼嗨呼嗨捎带着放风筝呀嘛哪咿呀呼嗨姐姐哎穿的是葱心绿呀哪咿呀呼嗨小妹妹那...
我爱家乡的小河 - 易文词:尹正华曲:夏香元我爱这家乡的小河一年四季流着碧波小河呀小河你历经了多少风雨却总在静静思索你走过了多少岁月却依然那样活泼啊啊小河呀小河小河呀小河你用甘甜的乳汁甘甜的乳汁...
我是一条小河 - 咏峰没有大海的波澜壮阔没有大江的气势磅礴只有岁月激起的浪花朵朵我是草原上的一条小河绕过高山,穿过大漠征途上还有无尽的跋涉不要说道路坎坎坷坷酸甜苦辣都是歌没有湖泊的平静清澈没有山泉的亮丽景色只有春风荡起的浪花朵朵...
小河湾湾 - 李碧华 (Lilian Lee)我总是怀念着小河湾湾你曾经吻着我慢步河边会心的微笑挂上我们的脸默默的许下了一个心愿你愿我的情像小河湾湾永远地永远地流不完我愿你的爱像流水不断时时刻刻地围绕在我身边俩颗心愿彼此紧紧相连并成了一个心愿...