Passing Through (穿过) - Cisco Houston
I saw adam leave the garden
With an apple in his hand
"Now you're out what are you gonna do "
"Plant my crops and pray for rain
Think I'll raise a little cane
I'm an orphan now
And I'm only passing through "
Passing through passing through
Sometimes happy sometimes blue
Glad that I ran into you
Tell the people that
You saw me passing through
I saw jesus on that cross
On a hill called calvary
"Do you hate mankind for
What they did to you "
He said "Speak of love not hate
There's things to do it's growing late
I've so little time
And I'm just passing through "
Passing through passing through
Sometimes happy sometimes blue
Glad that I ran into you
Tell the people that
You saw me passing through
I shivered with george washington
At valley forge that day
"Why do your soldiers freeze here like they do "
He said "Men will suffer fight
Even die for what is right
Even though they know
They're only passing through"
Passing through passing through
Sometimes happy sometimes blue
Glad that I ran into you
Tell the people that
You saw me passing through
I was at franklin' roosevelt's side
Just a while before he died
He said "One world must
Come out of world war two
Yankee russian white or tan
Lord a man is just a man
We're all brothers
And we're only passing through "
Passing through passing through
Sometimes happy sometimes blue
Glad that I ran into you
Tell the people that
You saw me passing through
Well I rode with old abe lincoln
On that train to gettysburg
I asked him "What are we gonna do "
He said "Every man must be
Unconditionally free
Or there is no reason to be passing through "
Passing through passing through
Sometimes happy sometimes blue
Glad that I ran into you
Tell the people that
You saw me passing through
Passing through just passing through
Sometimes happy sometimes blue
Glad that I ran into you
Tell the people that
You saw me passing through
穿过风穿过云 - 李慧珍 (Jennifer Li)词:高旗曲:方奇穿过风 穿过云我的心飞向你梦里 如此靠近你的爱 你的心就像风浪中的星星 捉摸不定我听到寂寞中的心跳向你传递激情汹涌的海啸透过风 透过云你的光照亮这夜景 如此美丽多么想拥抱你...
穿过你的躯壳 - 张蒙词:张蒙曲:张蒙编曲:张蒙风我逃避你我亲近你却不知道你的样子雾我害怕你我迷恋你你却总是一个迷孤独你有很多的朋友孤独你是神的保佑我赤裸的站在你面前你才能看见真正的我笑容静静地看着我你才能感觉到...
我能否穿过你的梦 - 阿斯满我能否穿过你的梦去握住你温暖的心就像奔涌不息的河水期待着大海的拥抱我用百年承载的孤独守望着你的到来就像千年凝固的冰川等待着朝阳的融化我愿是你手中的牧鞭放牧生活的快乐我愿是你脚下的小路蜿蜒在你的身旁...