Pennies From Heaven (Live) - Dean Martin
Time rains and rains
Pennies from heaven
All over town
Be sure that your umbrella
Is upside down
Trade them for a package
Hear it thunder
Don't run under a tree
They'll be pennies from heaven you
Pennies in a streamFalling leaves of a sycamoreMoonlight in vermontIcey finger wavesSki trails on a mountain sideSnowlight in vermontTelegraph cables...
Pennies in a stream Falling leaves a sycamore Moonlight in Vermont Gentle finger waves Ski trails down a mountain side Snow light in Vermont Telegraph cabl...
Pennies from Heaven - Union Of SoundEvery time it rains it rainsPennies from heavenDon't you know each cloud containsPennies from heavenYou'll find your fortune'...
Pennies from Heaven - The SkylinersEvery time it rainsIt rains pennies from heavenDon't you know each cloud containsPennies from heavenYou'll find your fortune's...
Pennies From Heaven - Stomp GordonEvery time it rainsIt rains pennies pennies from heavenDon't you know each cloud containsPennies Pennies from heavenYou'll find...