Perhaps (或许) - Deanna Durbin
Today at dawn a butterfly came to my window sill
The sunlight gleaming on his wings
Wakened me from my dreams
Oh butterfly if you could speak
What would you say to me
Do you know of whom I'm dreaming
Did he send you to me
Perhaps perhaps you've come to say
Good morning my dearest one
Last night I told you I adored you
Asked if you loved me too
You laughed and said you did not know
If it would be wise to tell
Perhaps perhaps it would be wiser if I told you
Perhaps perhaps he does not know I did not mean
What I said
Perhaps perhaps you better tell him
Tell him I love him so
这或许就是将来 - 赵山泰词:赵山泰曲:赵山泰里仁街的河边站着一个正在摄影的头发花白的看上去历经沧桑的老女人突然间我就想到了你这或许就是将来我死了你会选择过的那种生活啊啊啊那种生活有时候我会从梦中哭醒因为在梦中我真的失去了你...
或许爱总让人疲累 - 李智秀词:박정인曲:오봉준编曲:오봉준아무도 믿지 마라 후엔 변하니까怎么都不能相信因为后来发生了变化언제나 긴장해 있어야 한다고总是会感到紧张니가 말한 적도 내가 배운 적도你说的也好我所知道的也好없는데 이젠 어쩌라고...
或许有一天 - 胡月词:胡月曲:胡月让风轻轻地吹把我飘向远方像浮云一样放逐心中的梦想让水慢慢地流把我漂向远方像浮萍一样洗去隐约的感伤或许有一天我飘到天堂沐浴阳光和温暖我像花开放或许有一...
或许 (Demo) - 开米词:ceresmomo曲:开米而我想要的你都说太虚妄又或者那个晚上你并没有睡月光不如你的解释那么凉或许那时的我们并没有争执只是看不惯现实龇牙咧嘴的模样那就这样那就这样带着伤...
You Might Think (或许你以为) - Audio Idols (音频偶像)You might think I'm crazyTo hang around with youMaybe you think I'm luckyTo have something to doBut I think that you'r...