Promises - The Buzzcocks (吵闹公鸡乐团)
Ah loving you is easy you are on my side
We play the game strictly to our rules
We led the field a love affair
Which made all other lovers fools
How can you ever let me down
How can you ever let me down
How can you ever let me down
These promises we made for us
We promised that wed always have time for each other
Whenever I needed you'd be there
We promised to be true thered be no other
We promised that for ever we would care
How could you ever let me down
How could you ever let me down
How could you ever let me down
These promises we made for us
We had to change
But you stayed the same
You wouldn't change
Oh what a shame
Cos she never have any time for me
Whenever I need you you're not there
You've never been true and its plain to see
The fact is you never really cared
How could you ever let me down
How could you ever let me down
How could you ever let me down
Those promises we made for us
Promises - Buzzcocks
花公鸡 - 邓力玮词:李众 曲:龚耀年大公鸡呀穿花衣穿花衣每天清晨早早起早早起伸长了脖子高声唱呀喔喔喔喔喔喔吵醒了太阳公公吵他干什么催他快快上班去哈哈哈不偷懒的花公鸡啊你的勤劳数第一...
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清早公鸡叫喔噢 环保你我他 - 贝瓦儿歌清早公鸡叫喔噢清早听到公鸡叫 喔噢推开窗门迎接晨曦到花香鸟语春光好 喔噢今天又有一个艳阳照早起活动身体好 喔噢身强体健智慧也增高奉劝大家要起早 喔噢美好时光不要辜负了清早听到公鸡叫 喔噢推开窗门迎...