Reach for the Stars - Audio Idols (音频偶像)
I reach for the stars when I reach for your love
For so far above me you always will be
Like a clown longs to be a king in a play
I long for the things that are so far away
I reach for the stars when I reach for your hand
But stars tumble down from the clouds to the land
When you come to my arms in that moment divine
All the stars in the sky are mine all mine
I reach for the stars when I reach for your hand
But stars tumble down from the clouds to the land
When you come to my arms in that moment divine
All the stars in the sky are mine all mine
中文:偶像英文翻译:fetishGodiconidoljossstocks and stones相关词组:崇拜偶像崇拜偶像的偶像崇拜偶像化偶像破坏的...