Red Cape Diver - Foxy Shazam
Step up into the ring
You might have just
Met your match
You can't control that thing
I would not take that chance
Hey I am the red cape diver
You can talk that talk
I am the red cape diver
Ah it fires torpedoes
So kiss your lolita
Make sure they know you might
Die hug your bambinos
Have your last meal
Make sure they know
You're scared
I don't want to die
I don't want to die
Die hug your bambinos
Have your last meal
Make sure they know
Tell my momma that I love her
Tell my poppa the same thing
And when I step up into the ring
Pray for me
I'm gonna need it
Hey I am the red cape diver
You can talk that talk
I am the red cape diver
Ah it fires torpedoes
So kiss your lolita
Make sure they know you might
Die hug your bambinos
Have your last meal
Make sure they know
You're scared
Ohh ohh ohh ohh
I don't want to die
Can you walk that walk
I am the red cape diver
Ah it fires torpedoes
So kiss your lolita
Make sure they know you might
Both of our eyes lock eye to eye
Battle to the death
Which one will die
I'm so scared
I don't want my mom to die
Or my dad or my dog
Or my best friend
What if my boo boo died
What would I do without them
What would they do without me
What would I do without
It fires torpedoes
I'm hit I'm down
Ah it fires torpedoes
So kiss your lolita
Make sure they know you might
Die die die