Second Chance - The Cascades (瀑布合唱团)
Oh oh oh oh oh
Why why oh oh
Why did I treat you bad and
Why why oh oh
Why did I make you mad well
I'm so lonely
Since you left me
I'm walking in a trance
Oh please give me a second chance
I know oh oh
I know I made you blue
But I'll try
To make it up to you
Though I hurt you
Really hurt you
Don't find a new romance
Oh please oh oh
Give me a second chance
A second chance
A second chance with you
A second chance to prove
How much I still love you
Yes I do
Well I know oh oh
I know I wasn't true
But I'll try oh oh
To make it up to you
If you let me
Let me love you
We'll find a new romance
So please oh oh
Give me a second chance oh oh
Give me a second chance oh oh
Give me a second chance oh oh
Give me a second chance
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