Set In Stone (一成不变) - Bloody Sunday
Is this worth the lives
Is this worth the pain
This is not the life
This is what you've become
Driven to the point
Your desire is blood
Unmatched by any man
The loyalty to you is steadfast
Solid as stone
Garnished by your words that are false as apparitions
This flesh that you once considered so dear
Is proof of my ultimely demise
And you still want more
Innocent blood shed
Nothing to lose
As your sons
Have fallen now
You spit untruths
As you wait
For your judgement day
For all the tears that have yet to dry
For all the years that you've destroyed all of our lives
Is this worth the lives
Is this worth the pain
This is not the life
Life is will to come
雅思听力考试是整个雅思考试里面最难的,也是最重要的环节。要想提高自己的雅思听力能力,平时的积累很重要。下面一起跟着小编来了解一下关于雅思听力库的内容吧。 雅思听力题库 首先,需要向大家说明的是,雅思考试的题库,不会是一成不变的,雅思听力题库也会定期或者不定期的 进行更新,而且一般都是2新2旧,或者3新1旧或者3旧1新的出题模式,所以,考生在听力考试中遇到新...