She's Like The Swallow (她就像是燕子) - John Langstaff
She's like a swallow that flies so high
She's like the river that never runs dry
She's like the sunshine on the lee shore
I love my love but love is no more
I was out in the meadow this fair maid did go
Picking the beautiful primrose
The more she plucked the more she pulled
Until she's got her apron full
It's out of those roses she made a bed
A stony pillow for her head
She laid her down no word did say
Until this fair maid's heart did break
She's like the swallow that flies so high
She's like the river that never runs dry
She's like the sunshine on the lee shore
I love my love but love is no more
金狮拜年 - 王雪晶 (Crystal Ong)/金燕子爆竹响连天金狮来拜年敲锣打鼓在后面大人小孩观看在两边要争先商家迎接贺新年红包高挂在半天不怕青多高金狮身轻如燕舞狮要团结两人合作无间功夫精湛忘掉了危险金狮舞在...
红包特别多 - 王雪晶 (Crystal Ong)/金燕子恭喜恭喜新年进步步步高升升官发财财源广进新年你要多说说什么啊恭喜发财你要说好话说得多呀红包也拿得特别多不错呀当然不错我每年初一向爸爸和妈妈来...
祭祖先 - 王雪晶 (Crystal Ong)/金燕子除夕的晚上呀一家大团圆在外的游子归心呀心似箭一家大小祭祖先跪在神桌前呀祭祖先呀祭祖先孝思莫等闲三拜又九叩来祭呀祭祖先祖先们留下金玉好良言奠基创业靠祖先流传到今天呀...
欢乐年年庆友谊 - 王雪晶 (Crystal Ong)/金燕子新年呀来到要说恭喜恭喜你恭喜你样样顺利初一见到你呀说声恭喜趁着新春佳节学校假期大家一起拜年一同游戏初一见到你呀多么欢喜新年来到穿得真美丽新鞋新帽新裤新的衬衣一双皮鞋发亮多么神气新年恭喜你呀新年...
新年春联 - 王雪晶 (Crystal Ong)/金燕子新年春联新年来到家家贴春联门前门后 楼上楼下贴满迎新年大红灯笼挂在门前恭喜发财最好听步步高升大家开心门前福星高照迎接财神光临出入平安要小心一团和气贴在客厅爆竹一声除旧...