Silly Sounds - Barney
Oh Silly sounds get sillier
When you hear them once again
And maybe you're hearing an echo
Or maybe it's only a friend
Me oh my
(Me oh my)
Ticka tocka tick tock
(Ticka tocka tick tock)
Coo coo coo
(Coo coo coo)
Me oh my
Ticka tocka tick tock
Coo coo coo
Silly sounds get sillier
When you hear them once again
And maybe you're hearing an echo
Or maybe it's only a friend
Pickle pie
(Pickle pie)
Cock a doodle doo
(Cock a doodle doo)
Ticka tocka tick tock
(Ticka tocka tick tock)
Coo coo coo
(Coo coo coo)
Pickle pie
Cock a doodle doo
Ticka tocka tick tock
Coo coo coo
Silly sounds get sillier
When you hear them once again
And maybe you're hearing an echo
Or maybe it's only a friend
Hippity high
(Hippity high)
Ticka tocka tick tock
(Ticka tocka tick tock)
Coo coo coo
(Coo coo coo)
Hippity high
Ticka tocka tick tock
Coo coo coo
What Shall We Make Today - BarneyWhat shall we make today We'll make something fun What shall we make today We'll make something fun Using paint or pencils ...
Trying On Dreams - BarneyI'm trying on some dreams today Looking for one that fits just the right way A dream that makes me feel even more like me Like everything I hope...
The Library (图书馆) - BarneyYou can have an adventureIn a far away landYou can learn about a tubaIn a marching bandYou can travel to the stars Or the deep bl...
The Duckies Do! - BarneyWho knows how to paddleAll around the pond Quack quack quack the duckies doWho knows how to waddleAll around the lawn Quack quack...
The Duckies Do - BarneyWho knows how to paddle all around the pond Quack quack quack the duckies doWho knows how to waddle all around the lawn Quack quack quack the du...