Someday Baby - B.B. King
Don't care when you go
How long you stay
But good kind treatments
Will bring you back someday
But someday baby
I ain't gonna worry my life anymore
Aw, but one thing
Really give me the blues
When I wore a hole
In my last pair of shoes
But someday baby
I ain't gonna worry my life anymore
Just keep on a-bettin'
About the das don't bear
You're gonna leave here running
Almost too fast
But someday baby
I ain't gonna worry my life anymore
Don't like everybody
In my neighborhood
I got a no-good woman
She don't mean me no good
But someday baby
I ain't gonna worry my life anymore
We'd get there someday - ICHIKO (イチコ) 詞:ICHIKO 曲:ICHIKO 昔ばなしをするほど 生きたのかな?我不知道怎么谈过去的生活ふざけ合うだけじゃなくて 今を語り合える互相开玩笑而是现在话语Now,...
They say I'll love again somedayA truer love will come my way the next timeBut after you there'll never be a next time for meThey say that I'll find happinessIn someone...
somewhere, somedaywe'll be close together, wait and seeoh by the waythis time the dream's on meyou take my handand you look at me adoringlybut as things st...
SomedaySomewhereWe'll find a new way of livingWe'll find a way of forgivingSomewhere somewhere somewhereThere's a place for usSomewhere a place for us...
SomedaySomewhereWe'll find a new way of livingWe'll find a way of forgivingSomewhere somewhere somewhereThere's a place for usSomewhere a place for us...