That's the Way Love Is (那就是爱) - Buddy Ace
Monday's so good
Tuesday's so cruel
One day you're so happy now
The next day you're in tears
So you take it like you find it
Or you can leave it like it is
That's the way it's always been
That's the way love is
Wednesday's alright
But Thursday's all wrong
One day you're all with it baby
The next day it's all gone
So you take it like you find it
Or you can leave it like it is
That's the way it's always been
That's the way love is
Friday you'll beg her
Saturday she'll plead
One day she says she loves you
The next day she might leave
So you take it like you find it
Or you can leave it like it is
That's the way it's always been
That's the way love is
It seems so unfair sometimes
But that's the way love is
It makes you wanna cry
But that's the way love is
I know you don't know
What I'm talkin' about baby
'Cause I don't believe
You ever been in love
That's the way your love is
It seems so unfair sometimes
That's the way your love is
Oh baby
酸酸甜甜就是我 - 群星耳朵里塞着小喇叭躲在被窝里看漫画虽然我还在象牙塔我多么想一夜长大亲爱的爸爸妈妈别叫我小傻瓜虽然我很听话不代表我没有想法我喜欢酸的甜这就是真的我每一天对于我都非常新鲜我挑剔的味觉有最独特的区...
酸酸甜甜就是我 (Remix) - 舞曲词:方解曲:方解One two three four耳朵里塞着小喇叭躲在被窝里看漫画虽然我还在象牙塔我多么想一夜长大亲爱的爸爸妈妈别叫我小傻瓜虽然我很听话不代表我没有想法我喜欢酸的甜...
那就是我 - 殷秀梅词:晓光曲:谷建芬我思恋故乡的小河还有河边吱吱唱歌的水磨我思恋故乡的炊烟还有小路上赶集的牛车我思恋故乡的明月还有青山映在水中的倒影噢 妈妈如果你听到远方飘来的山歌那就是我 那就是我我思恋故乡的小河...
那就是我 - 柳石明词:柳石明曲:柳石明我思念故乡的小河还有河边吱吱唱歌的水磨奥妈妈如果有一只浪花向你微笑那就是我那就是我那就是我我思念故乡的炊烟还有小路上赶集的牛车噢妈妈如果有一只竹笛向你吹响那就是我那就是我...
那就是我 - 柳石明词:柳石明曲:柳石明我思念故乡的小河还有河边吱吱唱歌的水磨奥妈妈如果有一只浪花向你微笑那就是我 那就是我 那就是我我思念故乡的炊烟还有小路上赶集的牛车噢妈妈如果有一只竹笛向你吹响那就是我 那就是我...