The Girl Behind the Bar (监狱里的女孩) - The Stanley Brothers
As I walked in the Wayside Tavern
The smell of drink was in the air
I threw my money on the counter
This pretty maid was standing there
My thoughts they drifted so far from me
As I looked upon her lovely face
I knew she was my kind of woman
No one could ever take her place
I said when working hours are over
I would just love to take you home
She said young man that is a pleasure
And soon we found ourselves alone
And then our arms went around each other
I felt a knife stick in her back
She turned and saw her lover running
And said his name was Barnum Jack
She did not know her lover followed
She did not know he was around
Until the fate of death had struck her
And now she sleeps beneath the ground
I sit alone tonight in prison
My thoughts are of the one so fair
That I met that night in the Wayside Tavern
When the smell of drink was in the air
中文:国家监狱英文翻译:【法】common gaol...
中文:囚犯监狱英文翻译:【法】convict prison...
中文:农场监狱英文翻译:【法】farm gaol...
监狱风云 - 陈盈洁风雨声音弹琴时黑云密怖他门边夜莺群群诉哀悲想起运命放抹离有时想起当初时反省目屎流抹离快乐不知叨位去明白犹原落雨天空房灯火暗不明环境那会才无情夜夜膏哭叹不幸美丽青春去半生想起故乡初缌时...