The Green Grass of Shiloh - Evelyne Beers
Sing low my Sairo
Weep no more for me
The green grass of Shiloh is growing over me
The earth is my sweet breast
The soft wind is my song
The blue eyes of heaven gaze on me all day long
It sings to the forest
It whispers with the breeze
I hear thy voice calling from every field and stream
Sing low my Sairo
Weep no more for me
The green grass of Shiloh is growing over me
Hush now my Sairo
I will wait for thee
At the doorway of heaven where you will be with me
Our sorrows forgotten our souls as one chance soar
And the green grass of Shiloh will lead to heaven's door
Sing low my Sairo
Weep no more for me
The green grass of Shiloh is growing over me