The Killer (杀手) - Cisco Houston
Dobe bill he went a-riding
Through the canyon in the glow
Of a quiet sunday morning
From the town of angelo
Ridin' easy on that pinto
That he dearly loved to straddle
With a six-gun and sombrero
That was wider than his saddle
And he's hummin' as he's goin'
Of a simple little song
That's a-boomin' through the cactus
As he's gallopin' along
Oh I've rid from san antony
Through the mesquite and the sand
I'm a rarin' flarin' bucko
Not afraid to play my hand
Well I'm a hootin' shootin' demon
And to have my little fun
On my pinto called apache
And adolphus that's my gun
Well straight to santa fe he drifted
And he mills around the town
Sorta gittin' of his bearin's
As he pours his liquor down
But he's watchin' always watchin'
Every hombre in the place
Like he's mebbe sorta lookin'
For some certain hombre's face
Then one night he saunters careless
To the place of monte sam
And he does a bit of playin'
Like he doesn't give a damn
Then all at once it's hushed and quiet
Like a calm before the blow
And the crowd is tense and nervous
And the playin' stopped and slow
At the bar a man is standin'
Sneerin' as his glances lay
Like a challenge did he fling 'em
Darin' 'em to make the play
Two-gun blake the texas killer
Hated feared wherever known
Stood and drank his glass of mescal
With assurance all his own
Then the eyes of blake the killer
Met the glance of dobe bill
And they held each one the other
With the steel of looks that kill
Then the tones of blake came slowly
With a sneer in every word
Well you've found me
But the other gave no sign he saw or heard
Walkin' calmly toward the speaker
He advanced with steady pace
Then he grinned and quick as lightnin'
Slapped him squarely in the face
Shoot you snake he whispered hoarsely
Shoot you lily-livered cur
Draw you're always strong for killin'
Now I'm here to shoot for her
Some there was that claimed they saw it
As the killer tried to draw
But there's no one knows for certain'
Just exactly what he saw
I'll agree the shootin' started
Quick as blake had made his start
Then a brace of bullets hit him
Fair and certain through the heart
As he fell his hand was graspin'
For the gun he'd got too late
With the notches on it showin'
Like the vagaries of fate
And the man who stood there lookin'
At the killer as he lay
Murmured nell I've kept my promise
I have made that scoundrel pay
Then dobe bill he went a-ridin'
From the town of santa fe
On a quiet sunday morning
Goin' happy on his way
Ridin' easy on that pinto
That he dearly loved to straddle
With a six-gun and sombrero
That was wider than his saddle
And he's a hummin' as he's goin'
Of a simple little song
That's a-boomin' through the cactus
As he's gallopin' along
Oh I'm goin' down the canyon
Through the mesquite and the sand
I'm a rarin' flarin' bucko
Not afraid to play my hand
Well I'm a rootin' shootin' demon
And I have my little fun
On my pinto called apache a-ha
And adolphus that's my gun
心 - 小凡say/幼稚园杀手词:小凡say曲:小凡say凡:没有她的日子我一个人走过走过那些过还有犯过的错她送我的碟片我还没有看过她给我织的毛衣也没有穿过醒来的时候我的身边你不在我的身边你在他的身边在...
违命杀手 - 俞文靖黑色 无限神秘充满杀气带血的玫瑰在哭泣水中的倒影 阴霾蔓延每条神经黑蜘蛛 设下重重玄机你的脸 让我无法定义隐忍着叹息 心痛地看你眼前的杂乱荆棘划伤爱情有罪的生命无法对你言语凌乱的场景挣扎后的痕迹你退无可退的不舍表情眼泪...
蒲公英 - 幼稚园杀手 (Kindergarten Killer)蒲公英 停不了的爱思绪随风飘散飘散蒲公英 停不了的爱思绪随风飘散飘散随风而来 随风而去 相聚和分离这是生命的延续还是流浪的根据生活的匆忙 来不及见最后一面人生的残酷 太多伤心落泪的夜停不了的爱 献给逝去...
杀手骊歌 - 伍佰 & China Blue词:伍佰曲:伍佰现此时我的心中吹起了一阵风现此时我的心中也知我犹原寂寞人生伊一向辜不二衷也不一定善良离别你谁人说不悲伤生死要安怎参详过去是过去不需要再勉强面对着繁荣虚华我耳边陇无声甘说我永远不冻脱...