The king of oak street - Kenny Rogers
Like a leaf caught in the wind he drifted a while
With no purpose or direction to his life
He tried to get himself together and pacify his mind
And forget about the things he left behind
The cryin' woman standing helpless in his door
With a two month old baby in her arms
His little black book laying torn up on the floor
And God only knows he never meant to do her wrong
A careless weekend on the other side of town
Has torn the king of Oak Street's Castle down
And all week long he's tried to call her but she won't let him explain
Now Sunday morning finds him walking in the rain
He sits down in a phone booth and he prays
That she'll forgive him and she'll believe he's changed his ways
With shaking hand he deposits his last dime
And he's still praying that she won't hang up this time
Then the sweetest voice he's ever heard says hello
Breakfast's almost ready baby come on home
I've thought the whole thing over and I think I understand
That the king of Oak Street is just an ordinary man
I've thought the whole thing over and I think I understand
That the king of Oak Street is just an ordinary man
英文:be Lombard Street to a China orange中文意思:悬殊极大, 有天壤之别, 几乎确切无疑...
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