The Needle and the Damage Done (激怒人的话及其损害) - Cortez the Killer
I caught you knockin' at my cellar door
I love you baby can i have some more
Ooh ooh the damage done
I hit the city and i lost my band
I watched the needle take another man
Gone gone the damage done
I sing the song because i love the man
I know that some of you don't understand
Milk-blood to keep from running out
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun
激おこ☆Guilty (激怒☆Guilty) (《双星之阴阳师》TV动画第22集插曲) - 若井友希 (わかい ゆうき) 词:亜沙 曲:亜沙 お前ら全員死刑宣告你们全部被判死刑よくも今までバカにしたな至今为止真的做了很多傻事啊情状酌量の余地は...