The North Wind Doth Blow (北风呼呼吹) - The Jamborees
The north wind doth blow
And we shall have snow
And what will poor Robin do then
Poor thing
He'll sit in a barn
And keep himself warm
And hide his head under his wing
Poor thing
The north wind doth blow
And we shall have snow
And what will poor Robin do then
Poor thing
He'll sit in a barn
And keep himself warm
And hide his head under his wing
Poor thing
The north wind doth blow
And we shall have snow
And what will poor Robin do then
Poor thing
He'll sit in a barn
And keep himself warm
And hide his head under his wing
Poor thing
饮马江湖 古道 北风萧萧酒旗招摇 我扛刀岸然道貌 伪君子 自命清高我笑世道 几人能明了江山雪飘 且看 渔舟独钓牛肉小炒 唤小二 上两道小醉今宵 听夜雨 梁瓦轻敲不问明朝 路千里迢迢仗剑江湖飘 我长歌呼啸名利最无聊 尘世的纷扰回头发飘雪 皱纹添几刀...
北风在悬崖是否在等谁归来眼前是翻腾的海而刃雪城外 我始终没有离开雪花落下来 没有爱恨而纯白感受不到你存在我仅存的爱 已被冰雪所覆盖纷纷梨落谁寂寞 噢雪雾森林我放手 噢誓言在风中雪白着我执着为了什么 你沉默不说冰封的世界 我等不到那花开...
北风- DJ小可 词:何启弘/黄庆元 曲:殷文琦放开陈旧的往事 看见一身沧桑走过 陌生的地方我回到异乡 风吹的太狂我感到 有点凉我在乡愁里跌倒 从陌生中成长未来 旅程却更长我想到北方 无助的眺望我知道 不能忘北风 又传来熟悉的声音...