Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye (你可以跟我说再见) - The Casinos
Kiss me each morning for a million years
Hold me each evening by your side
Tell me you love me for a million years
If it don't work out if it don't work out
Then you can tell me goodbye
Sweeten my coffee with a morning kiss
Soften my dreams with your sighs
Tell me you love me for a million years
If it don't work out if it don't work out
Then you can tell me goodbye
If you must go oh no I won't grieve
If you wait a lifetime before you leave
Please if you must go on I won't tell you no
Just so that we can say we tried
Tell me you love me for a million years
If it don't work out if it don't work out
Then you can tell me goodbye
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这次说再见 何时再见绚烂之后将成永远迷茫的双眼手中的断剑也背叛了从前一句杀 太凶险闭上眼 谁管明天昨日的再见 不再见放逐之刃的宣言呼啸的生化炮弹在眼前那一刻所有梦想泯灭哭泣的灵魂不懂停歇心痛的剧烈那些欺世 战前宣言...