These Words (这些话) - Ameritz Tribute Tracks
These words are my own
Threw some chords together
The combination D-E-F
Its who I am its what I do
And I was gonna lay it down for you
I tried to focus my attention
But I feel so A-D-D
I need some help some inspiration
But its not coming easily
Tryin to find the magic
Tryin to write a classic
Dontcha know dontcha know
Dontcha know
Wastebin full of paper
Clever rhymes- see ya later
These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you i love you i love you
I love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you i love you
Read some Byron Shelley and Keates
Recited it over a hip-hop beat
I'm havin trouble sayin what i mean
With dead poets and
A drum machine
You know i had some studio
Time booked
But i couldn't find the killer hook
Now you're gonna raise the bar right up
Nothin i write is ever good enough
These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you i love you i love you
I love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you i love you
These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you i love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you i love you
I'm gettin off my stage
The curtains pull away
No hyperboles to hide behind
My naked soul exposes
Tryin to find the magic
Tryin to write a classic
Wastebin full of paper
Clever rhymes- see ya later
These words are my own
From my heart flow
Don't you know
I love you i love you
I love you i love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you i love you
These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you i love you
I love you i love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you i love you
These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you I love you
Thats all i got to say
Can't think of a better way
And thats all i got to say
I love you is that ok
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These Words (这些话) - The JamboreesThese words are my ownThrew some chords togetherThe combination D-E-FIt's who I am it's what I doAnd I was gonna lay it down for...