Three Blind Mice (三只瞎老鼠) - Sugar Kane Music
Three blind mice three blind mice
See how they run see how they run
They all ran after the farmer's wife
She cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
Three blind mice
Three blind mice three blind mice
See how they run see how they run
They all ran after the farmer's wife
She cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
Three blind mice
Three blind mice three blind mice
See how they run see how they run
They all ran after the farmer's wife
She cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
Three blind mice
Three blind mice three blind mice
See how they run see how they run
They all ran after the farmer's wife
She cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
Three blind mice
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