Through Emptiness (Human Edit) - Corbu
On a domestic flight
Through a terrible emptiness
I'm happier than I've ever been before
On the coldest night
With the colors draining out
I'm slipping into a dream where
We're all together
In a place we've never been
We're all together somewhere
If we could all be together
In a place we won't understand
If we could all be together somewhere
英文:emptiness中文意思:*['emptinis]n. 空虚, 无知...
英文:emptiness problem中文意思:【计】空集问题...
Through Emptiness - CorbuWritten by:Jonathan GravesOn a domestic flightThrough a terrible emptinessI'm happier thanI've ever beenBeforeOn the coldes...
Emptiness Is a Gift - Purple Fog SideI'm your Earth and you're my SkyI'm your Earth and you're my SkyI'm your Earth and you're my SkyI'm your Earth and you're my Sky...