Troublemaker (Supa Nani Remix) - Cruise Controllerz
I saw when you arrived
Looking like a super model
Your a** from the side looks just like a coke bottle
I love the way you ride
Put that thing on full throttle
So get get get get up on the saddle
I wanna see you move like they move it in jamaica
Pretend that i'm a dinner she gonna me my salt shaker
You ain't trying to hide it
Girl you're a troublemaker
And i'm a troublemaker maker maker maker
I throw my hands up
If you believe in me now
I keep my hands up
And do it all for the now
I sing and
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Sexy lil mama
It's really nice to meet you
Can i be in you classroom
And be your private teacher
If i bring on my camera
Would you be in my feature
Cause we gonna do some things
Hope your dad ain't a preacher
I wanna see you move like they move it in jamaica
Pretend that i'm a dinner she gonna me my salt shaker
You ain't trying to hide it
Girl you're a troublemaker
And i'm a troublemaker maker maker maker
I throw my hands up
If you believe in me now
I keep my hands up
And do it all for the now
I sing and
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
I love the way you dance
Oh it makes me crazy
I wanna see you move
So just let it go baby
I feel like we can do this
If you wanna go with it
Let's take it to the top
Push it to the limit
Take it to the top
Push it to the limit to the limit to the limit
To the limit limit limit limit
I throw my hands up
If you believe in me now
I keep my hands up
And do it all for the now
I sing and
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Oheohoeohoeohoeya ah
Troublemaker - Taio Cruz I saw when you arrived looking like a super model当你达到的时候 见到你就像见到超模那样Your a** from the side looks just like a coke bottle从侧面看你的臀部就像个可乐瓶那...
Troublemaker - R & B Chartstars I saw when you arrived当你走进屋内 我注意到了你Looking like a super model你如超模一般耀眼Your a** from the side looks just like a coke bottle...
Troublemaker - Congratulation Mom You're a troublemaker你是个麻烦制造者You're a troublemaker你是个麻烦制造者You ain't non' but a troublemaker girl你就是个制造麻烦的女孩...
Troublemaker - Celebration Cover StarsYou will troubleMaker troubleYou are nonbody trouble make a girlYou had me hooked again from the minute you sat downThe way...
Troublemaker - Audio Idols (音频偶像) You're a troublemaker你可真会找麻烦啊You're a troublemaker你可真会找麻烦啊You ain't non' but a troublemaker girl你真是一个纯粹的捣蛋鬼...