Turn Me On (让我兴奋) - 原声大碟
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
I'm dancing with my boy
I see you walking to the party
Yeah you're being nonchalant laying low
Checking out my body
I can feel your eyes on me
I'm staying with the flow
Something 'bout you baby
Tells me everything i need to know
Yeah eh eh
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
It's an automatic i'm like a tragic addict
Don't you
Turn me on
Think that you need a little riddle down the middle baby
Won't you
Turn me on
Take me for a ride baby i know you wanna go
He he he
Something 'bout me baby
Tells you everything you wanna know
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Whoa-o-whoa the way you turn me on turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
迷宫 - 原声大碟独自徘徊在细雨中世界只剩一片迷蒙往事悠悠缠绕心头挥不去是你温柔眼眸你是否也在细雨中抬头仰望这片天空说好不再为你困惑为什么还是眷恋依旧回忆绕不出的迷宫看不清方向的摸索谁能带领我找到唯一出口以为故事会停格在你拥我...
独酌 - 原声大碟冬风无语轻拨晚钟是谁泪眼朦胧昨日残杯仍映着你的笑容如今剩一片寒冻你说红尘里还有我为何却放了手苦酒入喉屋内一人独酌孤灯后影绰人消瘦莫问莫回首一醉千愁落雪残红为何依旧潮起又潮落几番成空寂寞如影幽幽不能由我...
君をのせて - 原声大碟 词:宮崎駿 曲:久石譲 あの地平線輝くのは远处的地平线之所以闪耀着光芒どこかに君をかくしているから是因为那光芒背后是你的归属たくさんの灯が点点的灯火なつかしいのは之所以念念难...
Turn Up the Music - 原声大碟 Na na na na na na na na呐,呐,呐,呐,呐,呐,呐,呐Take a look around看看四周Who would have thought we'd all be here 谁会想到我们会在此相聚?S...
Shall Never Surrender - 原声大碟The time has come and so have I时机来临,该我出场I'll laugh last cause you came to die我将大笑,你们自取灭亡The damage done the pain subsides伤害逝去,痛...