Two Little Boys (半斤八两的家伙) - Top of the Poppers
Do you recall
Some years ago
Up in the mountains that were white with snow
Inside a cavern
Mcdougal he was plannin'
There's gonna be a showdown with somebody he knows
Well he's been there
A year or so
Something will happen very soon I know
I hear him playin' his bagpipes every mornin'
I think that it's a warmin'
He's gathering the clan
Soon you'll hear the sound of people shouting
You will see the claymores in their hands
If you knew the reason for their fighting
You would never understand
Tweedle dee
Oh tweedle dum
The tune mcdougal always used to hum
While he was fightin' his rival clan mcgregor
Dishonour he would never
The tartan of his clan
Do you recall
Some years ago
Up in the mountains that were white with snow
Inside a cavern
Mcdougal he was plannin'
There's gonna be a showdown with somebody he knows
Soon you'll hear the sound of people shouting
You will see the claymores in their hands
If you knew the reason for their fighting
You would never understand
Tweedle dee
Oh tweedle dum
The tune mcdougal always used to hum
While he was fightin' his rival clan mcgregor
Dishonour he would never
The tartan of his clan
Oh tweedle dee
Oh tweedle dum
The tune mcdougal always used to hum
While he was fightin' his rival clan mcgregor
Dishonour he would never
The tartan of his clan
Oh tweedle dee
Oh tweedle dum
The tune mcdougal always used to hum
While he was fightin' his rival clan mcgregor
Dishonour he would never
The tartan of his clan
Oh tweedle dee
Oh tweedle dum
The tune mcdougal always used to hum
中文:半斤八两英文翻译:be six of one and half a dozen of the otherupsides...
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半斤八两 - Beyond词:许冠杰曲:许冠杰我吔呢班打工仔通街走籴直头系坏肠胃揾嗰些少到月底点够洗奀过鬼确系认真湿滞最弊波士郁啲发威癫过鸡一味系处系唔系乱嚟吠唉亲加薪块面拿起恶睇扭吓计你就认真开胃...