Welcome to our sanguinary sect or worship
Feel at home in our black conventicle
As we anathmastise
All those who oppose us
Don't summon the devil
Don't call the priests
If you need the strength
The conjuring obey
Behold the flames rise
From the compass' cardinal points
Burn the sacred oil
And with the ashes you'll annoint
Arrange the symbols
Of the wizard and magician
Light the candles
Place the parchment paper in position
Between its leaves place
The lash from a black cat's eye
A straw of a broom
Fold burn and centralize
Don't summon the devil
Don't call the priests
If you need the strength
The conjuring
I am the devil's advocate
A salesman if you will
You know my name
I met your father years ago
Gave him what he'd please
He called my name you'll do the same
I'm claiming what is mine by right
It's time to close the deal
You're bought and sold bought and sold
Come join me in my infernal depths
Mephisto's Hall of Fame
I've got your soul I've got your soul
The conjuring