Western Hobo - The Carter Family (卡特家族)
The wild western hobo
Who left his happy home
Started upon a western trip
All by himself alone
Upon this western trip
Going to have lots of fun
But upon this western trip
This is the song he sung
Ay-oh-lay-ee-oh oh-lay-ee-ay
Oh-lay-ee oh-lay-ee oh-lay-ee
I stepped up on a platform
Smoking a cheap cigar
Waiting to catch a freight train
To catch an empty car
I buttoned my coat up closely
Walked on down the track
I caught the steps of a sleeper car
I never did look back
Ay-oh-lay-ee-oh oh-lay-ee-ay
Oh-lay-ee oh-lay-ee oh-lay-ee
My pocketbook is empty
My heart is filled with pain
Ten thousand miles away from home
Hoboing an old freight train
中文:卡特氏黑色足分支菌病英文翻译:【医】Carter's black mycetoma...
中文:卡特兰氏分隔采尿器英文翻译:【医】Cathelin's segregator...
中文:卡特氏热英文翻译:【医】Carter's feverfebris recurtens asiatica...
中文:卡特氏手术英文翻译:【医】Carter's operation...
中文:卡特尔法日氏角英文翻译:【医】Quatrefages' angle...