What Are Little Boys Made Of - The Jamborees
What are little boys made of
What are little boys made of
Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails
剪和蜗牛 小狗的尾巴
That's what little boys are made of
What are little girls made of
What are little girls made of
Sugar and spice and all things nice
糖和香料 是一切美好的东西
That's what little girls are made of
What are young men made of
What are young men made of
Sighs and leers and crocodile tears
叹了口气 不怀好意地笑 鳄鱼的眼泪
And what young men are made of
What are young women made of
What are young women made of
Ribbons and laces and sweet pretty faces
丝带和花边 甜美漂亮的面孔
And what young women are made of
Zip-a-Zee Do-Daa - The JamboreesZip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-ayMy oh my what a wonderful day Plenty of sunshine heading my wayZip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-ayMist...
Wonderful Words of Life - The JamboreesSing them over again to me wonderful words of lifeLet me more of their beauty see wonderful words of lifeWords of life and beauty teach m...
Wonderful Words of Life - The JamboreesSing them over again to me wonderful words of lifeLet me more of their beauty see wonderful words of lifeWords of life and beauty teach m...
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf - The JamboreesWho's afraid of the big bad wolfThe big bad wolf the big bad wolfWho's afraid of the big bad wolfTra la la la laL...
Who Killed Cock Robin? - The Jamborees Who killed Cock Robin 谁杀了知更鸟I said the Sparrow 是我 麻雀说With my bow and arrow 用我的弓和箭I killed Cock Robi...