What I Fight For - J·Bright (陈玉明)
Written by:J.Bright
The mountains all around me
A prairie under my feet
I pull out my sword the drum begin to roll
And fire shining in somke
Mother earth bless my people
We started the war the body is warm
The shodow come to break my soul
Drinking a drip of grass with dew it feels like home
With the wind blew the body is cold
I use my sword to the battlefield
The dust hit in scars and tears I miss my old home
The sky is torn apart I can see the dark
Feeling cold all over body
The ground is shaking creatures are roaing
How can I keep my faith
I hold my sword the drum begin to low
And fire spread to the woods
Mother earth bless my people
We in the war the body is warm
I'm tired from the heart to bones
Drinking a drip of grass with dew it feels like home
With the wind blew the body is cold
I use my sword to kill devil
The dust hit in scars and tears I miss my old home
Oh what I fight for oh what I fight for
Oh what I fight for oh what I fight for
We ended the war the body is warm
The sun come up to heal my soul
Drinking a drip of grass with dew it feels like home
With the wind blew the body is cold
I used my sword to bury my bro
The dust hit in scars and tears I miss my old home
I was kid used to walk on path
To see the sight until they all die
People began to turn and black everywhere
I run away and said I'll back
Oh I'll back
Oh there's nothing left
Oh I'm back
Oh one kid on the path
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