
What's in It for Me (对我有什么好处) - The Country Music Crew-歌词

What's in It for Me (对我有什么好处) - The Country Music Crew

So you're back at my door

The one you walked out

You made a mistake

You know that now

Will I let you in

You're begging me "please"

What if I do

What's in it for me

What's in it for me

I've got to ask

If it's only more tears

Then I'll have to pass

If you'll open up

Then I can see

Deep in your heart

What's in it for me

Well I have to admit

I'm glad that you're here

But I can't make the past

Just disappear

If you're back for good

Now I want you to be

Just let me know

What's in it for me

What's in it for me

I've got to ask

If it's only more tears

Then I'll have to pass

If you'll open up

Then I can see

Deep in your heart

What's in it for me

Am I a fool

To think you've changed

Some people do

Is that so strange

Our love was good

It just got off track

Is it worth the risk

If you come back

What's in it for me

I've got to ask

If it's only more tears

Then I'll have to pass

If you'll open up

Then I can see

Deep in your heart

What's in it for me

If you'll open up

Then I can see

Deep in your heart

What's in it for me

  • 《好处的英文》


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