When the Tingle Becomes a Chill (Originally Performed by Loretta Lynn) (伴奏) - The Karaoke Channel
Sometimes at night
while you're fast asleep
I lie there alone
in the darkness and weep
So sorry and sad
but that's part of the deal
When the tingle becomes a chill
I never wanted to stop loving you
I'll swear by the breath
in my body that's true
But a woman can't help the way
that she feels
When the tingle becomes a chill
You're so contented
but for me it's all gone
And though I pretend,
you just don't turn me on
The body performs
but the soul has no will
When the tingle becomes a chill
I never wanted to stop loving you
I'll swear by the breath
in my body that's true
But a woman can't help the way
that she feels
When the tingle becomes a chill
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