When The World's On Fire - The Carter Family (卡特家族)
Oh my loving mother when the world's on fire
Don't you want God's bosom to be your pillow
Tide me over in the Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages cleft for me
I'm going to heaven when the world's on fire
And I want God's bosom to be my pillow
Tide me over in the Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages cleft for me
Oh my loving brother when the world's on fire
Don't you want God's bosom to be your pillow
Tide me over in the Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages cleft for me
Oh my loving sinner when the world's on fire
Don't you want God's bosom to be your pillow
Tide me over in the Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages cleft for me
Don't you want to go to heaven when the world's on fire
Don't you want God's bosom to be your pillow
Tide me over in the Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages cleft for me
中文:卡特氏黑色足分支菌病英文翻译:【医】Carter's black mycetoma...
中文:卡特兰氏分隔采尿器英文翻译:【医】Cathelin's segregator...
中文:卡特氏热英文翻译:【医】Carter's feverfebris recurtens asiatica...
中文:卡特氏手术英文翻译:【医】Carter's operation...
中文:卡特尔法日氏角英文翻译:【医】Quatrefages' angle...