Where I Belong (《挑战极限》纪录片插曲) - Federico Alberto Rimini
Written by:Federico Alberto Rimini
My heart is made of gold
You can't break me
You can't break me
I shouldn't wait up long
I can't make it
I can't make it
But I'm coming in from the cold
Before you're right
Broke my body off on the door my soul
Came back
It's time to go where I belong
My heart is like a rose
She can't take it
She can't take it
Don't follow where she goes
We can make it
Gonna make it
It's time to go where I belong
But I'm coming in from the cold
Before you're right
Broke my body off on the door my soul
Came back
It's time to go where I belong
I can't wait no more
We know it's time to go where we belong
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