
With One Look (只需一眼) - Simon Gilbert-歌词

With One Look (只需一眼) - Simon Gilbert

With one look I can break your heart

With one look I play every part

I can make your sad heart sing

With one look you'll know all you need to know

With one smile I'm the girl next door

Or the love that you've hungered for

When she speak It's with my soul

She can play any role

No words can tell

The stories my eyes tell

Watch me when she frown

You can't write that down

You know I'm right

It's there in black and white

When she look your way

You'll hear what she say

Yes with one look she put words to shame

Just one look sets the screen aflame

Silent music starts to play

One tear in her eye makes the whole world cry

With one look they'll forgive the past

They'll rejoice I've returned at last

To her people in the dark

Still out there in the dark

Silent music starts to play

With one look you'll know all you need to know

With one look she ignite a blaze

She return to my glory days

They'll say

Norma's back at last

This time she staying

She staying for good she be back

Where she was born to be

With one look she be free

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