你们想要的社会摇 (Remix) - 高梦瑶 (Yojie)
I have to drink and smoke get so high
I'll turn to join my friend yo
When I feel like I'm drunk and full of fiches
By my side cuz my friends and my body are in crime yo
And I don't know how to smile
And I don't give a f**k ohh no no no no ohh no
Gimme a whist gimme a far from
The time when I far from the sky
So I I gotta gotta gotta get my friend yo
Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
I got my friend yo
Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
I got my friend yo
Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
I got my friend yo
Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
Yo party if you join we par
I have to drink and smoke and get so high
I run to find my friend yo
When I feel like I'm drunk and full of fiches
By my side cuz my friends and my body are in crime yo
I don't know how to smile
And I don't give a f**k ohh no no no no ohh no
Gimme a whist gimme a flame
Know the time when I far from the sky
So I I gotta gotta gotta get my friend yo
那不是我想要的爱 - 杨峰词:杨峰曲:杨峰你是一阵风吹散我绵绵的梦漫漫旅途飘飘浮云悠悠相思月明中你是一阵风吹不散隐隐的痛茫茫人海匆匆背影滚滚红尘难重逢是否痴痴年少太荒唐才把勾勾手指当成是海誓山盟如果你是一阵多情的...
这一切不是我们想要的 - 吕熙谨词:吕熙谨曲:吕熙谨这一切不是我们想要的这一切不是我们想要的消失的感觉去哪了不灭的灯火也熄了追逐着生命的感动感动不曾放下内心的汹涌宛如流放的重生重获了新的梦我们在这虚幻的世界看到不...
给不了我想要的爱 - 李姝漫 (JOJO Li)词:柯羽曲:柯羽一直都想不明白为什么要谈恋爱到最后一场伤害我的世界变空白曾经我傻的可爱幸福燃烧的太快漫天飞舞的尘埃沉默会慢慢醒来给不了我想要的爱就请你离开不要在我最...
给不了你想要的幸福所以选择退出因为爱你 所以让你选一个更好的归宿我求你别再说我太残酷谁能甘心认输把自己的爱丢到了别处谁能体会这撕心的苦如果爱情的路还可以再铺我不会让你再为我哭如今剩一个没用到不可原谅弄丢了自己的幸福的猪当初爱到...
给不了你想要的幸福 - 侯乐旭词:侯乐旭曲:张圳编曲:张圳从没想过放手 抓住的幸福舍不得 让它走早知道全是借口没掩饰的伤口 犀利的背后隐藏的 是温柔却早已无路可走戒不掉 忘不了 该怎样 去讨好想要逃 逃不了 让我们 再和好是否...