你是我的女朋友 (DJ版) - 徐祖建 (DJazuz)
Nobody sees nobody knows
We are a secret can't be exposed
That's how it is that's how it goes
Far from the others close to each other
Nobody sees nobody knows
We are a secret can't be exposed
That's how it is that's how it goes
Far from the others close to each other
In the daylight in the daylight
When the sun is shining
On the late night on the late night
When the moon is blinding
In the plain sight plain sight
Like stars in hiding
You and I burn on on
Put two and to-gether
For-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change
Two and to-gether
For-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change
Nobody sees nobody knows
We are a secret can't be exposed
That's how it is that's how it goes
Far from the others close to each other
Nobody sees nobody knows
We are a secret can't be exposed
That's how it is that's how it goes
Far from the others close to each other
That's when we uncover cover cover
My asylum my asylum is in your arms
When the world gives heavy burdens
I can bear a thousand times
On your shoulder on your shoulder
I can reach an endless sky
Feels like paradise
Put two and to-gether
For-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change
Nobody sees nobody knows
We are a secret can't be exposed
That's how it is that's how it goes
Far from the others close to each other
That's when we uncover cover cover
中文:女朋友英文翻译:girl friend...
长得太丑没有女朋友 - 周天平词:邓才昶曲:邓才昶走在繁华的街头情侣一对对手牵着手让我这条单身狗不知道该往那走我也想找一个女朋友可是我怎么就都没有长得太丑没有女朋友其实我也很温柔看过了太多天长地久看过了太多人分手...
还差两个女朋友 - 黄睿铭词:黄睿铭曲:黄睿铭和声:黄睿铭我努力的调整着时差时针在嘀嗒寻找失眠的办法寂寞失落地躺在琴架旋律却偏差动作稍显着浮夸很多时候你不懂我的幽默在战火纷飞之后你让我举起双手所以每次我都会故作沉...
曾经你是我的女朋友 - 酷酷壮词:酷酷壮曲:酷酷壮女:若是我会迷路那么你是我的眼让我觉得安全你的心我才能看得见曾经我落下的眼泪现在你来帮我捡我想的很简单清晨起来你就在我的身边是倔强的自我 不知道如何表达也许你会明白说唱是我的方法我不会忘记的事 我曾说陪你...
我要做你女朋友 - Sunshine词:谭宇遥曲:谭宇遥凌晨操场夜色还在远处回荡你的身影让我心跳不能平静住进我心里我怎么办酸甜的感觉让我混乱教室里你的身影操场上你的气息我无法忘记青春的时代 很梦幻爱...