玩具和61儿童节 - 刺猬
I can run and jump high in blue sky
I hate nature science recognize
I love play my toy and let them fight
Blamed by mum night I cry
I love bathe in shine rave in night
Sing with friends follow your bands
Fashion type stylish hair
Touch your hands make me fun
When I was a child I can do all things I thought
If I was a child I can try to forget now
When I was a child I can do all things I thought
If I was a child I can try to forget now
Hey baby I am wrong I will never do it again
Oh baby I am riot now I just want to be a bad boy
When I was a child I can do all things I thought
If I was a child I can try to forget now
When I was a child I can do all things I thought
If I was a child I can try to forget now
儿童节歌 - 群星四月四日儿童节我们儿童最快活门前青草绿盈盈树上鲜花红又白爸爸妈妈双手拍说是春光明媚好时节万物生气正蓬勃儿童们可爱而活泼四月四日儿童节我们儿童该努力燕子衔泥来做巢蜂儿采花去酿蜜老师教我勤学习...
儿童节之歌 - 阿摩司词:代芙妮曲:阿摩司编曲:阿摩司叮铃铃闹钟指向五点兴奋地我一夜没合眼蝴蝶结束起了马尾辫红领巾它飘扬在胸前太阳公公红红的笑脸我们的节目就要开演小朋友们天真的童颜我敲起了快乐的鼓点今天是我们的节日...