For You Alone - Mario Lanza/Constantine Callinicos
Take thou this rose
This little tender rose
The rarest flower
In all god's garden fair
And let it be
While yet its crimson glows
An emblem of the love
I proudly proudly bear
Take thou this heart
The heart that loves thee well
And let it flame
Before thy shine my own
Take thou my heart
For oh your dear eyes tell
God fashioned it for you
For you alone
God fashioned it for you
For you alone
英文:Constantine中文意思:n. 君士坦丁...
Vecchia Roma - Claudio Villa/Constantine CallinicosOggi er modernismoDer novecentismoRinnovanno tutto vaE l'usanze antiche sempliciSo' ricordi che sparischeno...
Tu, Musica Divina - Alberto Rabagliati/Constantine CallinicosLa carezza del ventoIl profumo dei fiorUn lontano lamento prende il mio cuorÈ una musica il soleÈ una...
Seven Hills of Rome - Mario Lanza (马里奥·兰扎)/Constantine CallinicosYou'll fall in loveYour heart is homeWhen you are youngAmong the seven hills of romeThe world is...
Serenata Celeste - Claudio Villa/Constantine CallinicosWritten by:Giuseppe VerdiVa Serenata CelesteCeleste come gli occhi di una DonnaChe rassomiglia tanto a una Madonna...