Army Life - The Exploited
Never give up, never give up, never give up the army~~~~~ GO!
Join the army at seventeen
Two years later you're a killing machine
Clean your rifle every day
You got to do whatever the army say
Army life is killing me, me, me
Army life is killing me
Went to Belfast just for f**king fun
Walking about with my tommy gun
Sooner or later, you end up dead
You'll just be a name in your local paper
Army life is killing me, me, me
Army life is killing me guitar......
Army life is killing me, me, me
Army life is killing me
Join the army at seventeen
Two years later you're a killing machine
Clean your rifle every day
You got to do whatever the army say
Army life is killing me, me, me
Army life is killing me
Army Style (b side) - The ExploitedDetailed for a firing partyAn enemy of the states is going to be killedThe firing squads are dressed to killDuty first and they're wel...