As A Child - Emily Loizeau
Written by:Emily Loizeau/Vic Moan
How lovely it was
How strange how strange that will be
But I suppose in time
These little deaths will appear
Merely shadows that swim
In a dark end of my memory
And I forget yes
I forget the names
Of those who caused me pain
As a child
And so I forget it
As I forget the names
Of those who caused me pain
And the moon was your shame
And be as it wants to be
While we tiny shadows
Move in circles and try to keep
Our hands are our hands are one
And I forget you
So I forget the names
Of those who caused me pain
As a child
And so I forget you
As I forget the names
Of those who left me pain
I forget you
So I forget the names
Of those who caused me pain
As a child
And so I forget you
As I forget the names
Of those who caused me pain
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