Bluebird Of Happiness (幸福的青鸟) - Jo Stafford
So be like I hold your head up high
Till you find a bluebird of happiness
You will find greater peace of mind
Knowing there's a bluebird of happiness
And when he sings to you
Though you're deep in blue
You will see a ray of light creep through
And so remember this life is no abyss
Somewhere there's a bluebird of happiness
Life is sweet tender and complete
Since we found the bluebird of happiness
And when it's night
Everything seems bright
Since we found the bluebird of happiness
Two hearts that beat as one
'Neath a new found sun
We are in a world that's just begun
And when our youth is gone
Love will linger on
Since we found the bluebird of happiness
青鸟 - 王博轼词:王博轼曲:王博轼夜晚的风吹动片片的回忆冰冷的雨打湿想你的空气心在哪里听见了吗曾经窗前晃漾的风铃是我召唤的讯息你远离红尘那里可有你停息的俗地春风秋雨潮动思绪我的青鸟啊...
青鸟 - 月莎词:月莎曲:月莎用力展翅飞翔冲破枷锁绝不迷惘那最后的方向梦之光 梦之光 青蓝之上曾经畏惧的悲伤在回忆里淡忘与你一起的成长心也学会了坚强就算依旧会受伤那残酷的战场也要一直勇敢站在你身旁路...
青鸟 - 岳振国 (小月月)词:岳振国曲:岳振国乘着不同的列车就这样不谋而合因为有梦想我们没有选择用飞扬的文字把不变得信念谱写成歌唱出 青春的颜色绘成山脉和江河那是青鸟的羽毛也是天作之合始终守望着 那历史的车辙你...
勇闯天下 - 青鸟飞鱼 (Blue Bird Flying Fish)词:卢永强曲:陈孟奇风儿吹 雨儿打 才见潇洒捶筋骨 锻身手 才能长大天不怕 地不怕 就在当下勇 敢 闯 天 下年纪小 志气大 立业兴家球儿小 天地大 纵横脚下不怕苦 不怕累 忠诚结义经...