Bobby Sox Blues - T-Bone Walker
Bobby Sox baby I've got to let you go
Bobby Sox baby I've got to let you go
You've got a head full of nothin'
But stage screen and radio
You chase autographs every night
You write fan mail through the day
You keep your great big head in the scrapbook
Yes and you throw the cookbook away
Bobby Sox baby I've got to let you go
You've got a head full of nothin'
But stage screen and radio
Now you treat me like a stranger
You don't have a word to say
I ask you if you love me
You say "What would Frankie say "
Yes Bobby Sox baby I've got to let you go
You've got a head full of nothin'
But stage screen and radio
La Pesca (钓鱼) - Classical Artists/Nina WalkerComposed by:Gioachino Antonio RossiniGià la notte s'avvicinaVieni o NiceVieni o NiceVieni o Nice amato beneDel...
La Pastorella delle Alpi - Classical Artists/Nina WalkerComposed by:Gioachino Antonio RossiniSon bella pastorella che scende ogni mattinoEd offre un cestellino di fresche fruta...
La Danza (舞曲) - Classical Artists/Nina WalkerComposed by:Gioachino Antonio RossiniGià la luna è in mezzo al mareMamma mia si salteràL'ora è bella per danzareChi è...
L'Orgia (邀约) - Classical Artists/Nina WalkerComposed by:Gioachino Antonio RossiniAmiamo cantiamoLe donne e i liquorGradita è la vitaFrà bacco ed amorSe amo...
99 1/2 - Hezekiah Walker & LFC腾讯享有翻译作品的著作权Lord I'm runnin'主啊 我竭力向您奔去Tryin' to make a hundred because不够一百 就不够诚心Ninety nine and a half won't do因为不够一百...