Break Me (Radio Remix) - Jewel (珠儿)
I will meet you in some place
Where the light lends itself to soft repose
I will let you undress me
But I warn you' I have thorns like any rose
And you could hurt me with your bare hands
You could hurt me using
The sharp end of what you say
But I am lost to you now
There's no amount of reason to save me
So break me
Take me
Just let me fill your arms again
Break me
Take me
Just let me fill your love again
Feels like being underwater
Now that I've let go and lost control
Water kisses fill my mouth
Water cross fills my soul
So break me
Take me
Just let me fill your arms again
Break me
I'll let you make me
Just let me feel your love again
Kiss me once
Well' maybe twice
Oh' it never felt so nice
Break me
Take me
Just let me feel your love again
Break me
I'll let you' Ooh'I'll let you make me
Just let me fill your arms again
Just let me feel your love again
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