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Burden of breast cancer in Iran: a study of the Tehran population based cancer registry.Reflexiones sobre el consumo de chicha en épocas prehispánicas a partir de un registro actual en Perchel (departamento de Tilcara,...Hydraulics of discharge tunnel service gate: the flow regimesprevalence, risk factors and interventions of depression during pregnancy in Iranian Studies (1997-2011): A systematic reviewNew Data on Food Consumption in Pre-Hispanic Populations from Northwest Argentina (ca. 1000–1550 A.D.): The Contribution of Carbon...Evidencias bioarqueológicas de conflicto ca. 1000-1432 AD en la Quebrada de Humahuaca y el Valle CalchaquíPerson centered prediction of survival in population based screening program by an intelligent clinical decision support system:Patologías orales, dieta y modo de vida en Esquina de Huajra (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy)In situ cleaning of InGaAs surfaces prior to low contact resistance metallizationPhase formation in the Ni/n–InP contacts for heterogeneous III/V-silicon photonic integration