gifted with
英:[ˈgɪftɪd wið] 美: [ˈɡɪftɪd wɪð]
gifted with 相关例句
- He is endowed with a gift in music by nature.
他天生有音乐才能。 - The natural tendency of neural circuitry is to play games with itself.
'Gifted with a Second-Sight': Professor Derrick Bell the TeacherAssessment of children who are gifted with the WISC-IVIdentification of Gifted with the Dynamic Assessment Procedure (DAP).8–Assessment of Children Who Are Gifted with the WISC-IV[Production by the fetus and localization of cells gifted with restorative activity on irradiated mice.]An Enigma: Barriers to the Identification of Students Who Are Gifted with a Learning DisabilityA Model for Screening Twice-Exceptional Students (Gifted with Learning Disabilities) within a Response to Intervention Paradigm.The learning experiences and preferred teaching strategies of children who have been identified as Gifted with ADHDA comparative analysis of creative thinking patterns in children who are gifted, learning disabled, and gifted with learning disabil...A comparative analysis of creative thinking patterns in children who are gifted, learning disabled, and gifted with learning disabil...